Banner of meet & greet event (photo of a bar setting - chair, table, drinks and sunglasses)

Meet & Greet Brussels

29 oct. 2024 18:30 - 22:00
Café Merlo, Quai aux Briques 80, 1000 Bruxelles

It is time for another Meet & Greet in the heart of Brussels! Upstairs at Café Merlo in the cozy Dansaert area, you will find a warm hot spot surrounded by the Winter Festivities.
Share a drink and talk politics with engaged Volters and pitch your newest democratic innovative ideas to our candidates.

Bring your friends, colleagues and family.

Everyone is welcome!

Upcoming dates:

  • Tuesday, 10/9

  • Thursday, 19/9

  • Tuesday, 24/9

  • Thursday, 3/10

  • Tuesday, 8/10

  • Thursday, 17/10

  • Tuesday, 22/10

  • Tuesday, 29/10