Close-up of Atomium in Brussels Capital Region

Vote Volt in the Brussels Capital Region

Vote for the next generation of politics in Brussels!

Read more about our positions here.

If you are not registered in Brussels, please return to the overview.

As a resident of Brussels, you can vote for the following Volt lists:


Vote for Volt Europa Etterbeek.


Vote for our Volt candidates on the list of 'DéFI - Volt'. More info coming soon.

Close-up of Atomium in Brussels Capital Region
Ville de Bruxelles

Vote for our Volt candidates on the list of 'DéFI & Vous'. More info coming soon.


Vote for our Volt candidate Jan-Pieter Cootjans on the Open MR list. More info coming soon.


Vote for our Volt candidate Mauro Bianchi on the Liste du Bourgmestre. More info coming soon.